The Dangers of Spiritual Abuse
I am addressing this topic from a biblical perspective because first and foremost I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe that the Scriptures are our guide to understanding the purpose God has for us.
Have you considered how we, the people, created by God to serve Him are rejecting Him and the precepts He has laid for us to follow? .
The word abuse seems to be the word most often used by any age group. As a matter of fact, we have several categories of abuse e.g. abuse of physical health, environmental, child abuse, discriminatory abuse, financial abuse or material abuse, modern slavery, neglect of a child, organizational or institutional abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse and domestic violence.
It seems as if the world in general is a very abusive place. What really causes abuse? Abuse stems from sin. What is sin? 1st John 3 verse 4 tells us, Whosoever, committeth sin transgresseth also the Law; for sin is the transgression of the Law. This Law is referring to the Laws of God not to the laws of man because mankind has formulated some of their laws from the Laws of God.
Let us now reason. Since abuse comes from sin and sin is wrong doing how can we stop abuse? The the only way we can get away from being abusive and from being an abuser is by moving away from sin and the turning to God. This is possible if we heed the warning given in 2nd Chronicles 7 verse14, If My people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. This was what the God of Heaven told Solomon and the same message is applicable to us today. Proverbs 14 verse 34 tells us, righteousness shall exalt a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. The opposite of sin is righteousness therefore if any individual, community, nation or the entire world population turn away from sin then righteousness will replace sinfulness.
Is there a difference between being morally correct and being righteous? Being moral means following ethical standards and being a good person in the eyes of others. In our human eyes we believe that we can be morally correct or morally right and that equates to righteousness. Being morally correct and morally right cannot equate to righteousness. What is righteousness? It is living by action. It is doing right and living in accordance to the will of God. A moral person is not necessarily one whose life is in accordance to the will of God but can be acknowledged as an upright citizen. A righteous person obeys God in all things.
This brings me to the point of spiritual abuse. What exactly is spiritual abuse? I will answer according to the understanding I get from the Scriptures. God has a magnificent plan for our salvation; a plan for our transformation. He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for us so that we can be redeemed and justified and returned to the fold of God. Regrettably, many of us have refused God's offer we have carved out for ourselves cisterns which can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:12-13 says, “Be astonished o ye heavens, at this and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the Fountain of Living Waters and have hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” This verse is telling us that the created have placed themselves above the Creator. Isaiah 5 verse 20 warns, Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight.
Yes, we have departed from God and His word and have created for ourselves our own avenues of righteousness. It would be wonderful if we could all be evangelists like the woman at the well in Samaria. When she met Jesus, she was not upset that Jesus had pointed out her sins instead she ran excitedly and called out to everyone she met, “come see a Man.” How are we behaving today? We can agree that instead of running to say come see a Man, many are running away from the Man. It is sad but many are abusing the opportunity for salvation. Many are rejecting what God has given and are creating their own beliefs and standards.
Psalm 53 verse 1 tells us, “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God, corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity; there is none that doeth good. This verse tells us clearly who is a fool. A fool is anyone who denies the existence of the One Supreme Being called Almighty God. The opposite of fool is wise, therefore everyone who recognises and bows to the supremacy of Almighty God is a wise person. You can be well educated and yet be a fool and you may be under-educated and yet be a wise person. Biblically it is not your academic level that determines your level of spiritual wisdom but your recognition of God and godly things.
It is surprising how many persons desire to enter God’s Kingdom yet refuse to acknowledge His laws, statutes and precepts. Many do not even believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died and was resurrected after three days and three nights and after remaining on the earth for forty days He ascended into heaven. Presently He is seated beside His Father as our Mediator. Many believe that there are other paths to everlasting life while the Scriptures tell us that there's no other name on the Heaven and Earth whereby man can be saved except the name of Jesus. Some do not even believe that there will be a resurrection and a judgement. Revelation 20 verse 8 tells us, For the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Notice the groups listed: fearful – those who are afraid of everything but not afraid of the wrath of God, unbelieving – those who believe whatever suits or satisfies their carnal desires but refuse to accept the undiluted word of God, abominable -those who are committing abominations by going against everything that is holy this includes renouncing gender, changing your God given identity and corrupting the institution of marriage, murderers – when God said do not kill He was not speaking about unintentional killings. He was referring to intentional murders that people commit with the tongue, by actions and with tools. Today we murder the unborn and believe we have a right to make such decision. Whoremongers – refers to every form of sexual immorality, same sex relationships, sexual relationships outside of the sanctity of marriage, divorce and remarriage while the first partner is alive and every other forms of sexual sin. Sorcerers – this group is to be found in many places of worship. They are steadily moving out of obscurity and getting into plain sight. Like Jannes and Jambres the Egyptian magicians they are competing against God while claiming to be labouring for Him. Idolaters claim to be worshippers of the One True God but God does not know them. Liars – the father of lies is the devil so every liar is his child.
Why are we abusing our spiritual freedom by rejecting the blessings of salvation that God has extended to us? Why are we refusing to worship the God of Heaven? Worshipping Almighty God is steadily becoming a taboo. Yes, the act of devotion which is the act of worshipping God in reverence is being swiftly taken out of public gatherings especially schools. The institutions which have the responsibility of moulding the young are carrying out their responsibilities by using the philosophies and ideologies of sinful humans and have laid aside the perfect God given standards. Instead of having a devotion there is an invocation. What is the difference between devotion and invocation? The meaning of devotion is to be unwavering, enthusiastic and the observance of a godly lifestyle while the meaning of invocation is to invoke someone or something.
These two words are sufficient to open our eyes so that we can recognise how far we have wandered from the path of good. We have corrupted and are corrupting what God has set in place to bring us into union with Him. Isaiah 5:20 warns us, “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. By engaging in an invocation, we are opening ourselves to be inhabited by unclean spirits. Yes, it’s true because the Spirit of God cannot be invoked; only unclean spirits can be invoked.
During a devotional exercise you can sing songs of worship and adoration such as Immortal invisible God only wise in lighting accessible it from His eyes Most Blessed most glorious the Ancient of Days Almighty Victorious His name we praise.
In invocation your activities can vary because you are actually invoking a spirit or spirits so you may sit in silence; you may jump or whatever else is necessary but there is not that sanctity that is linked to the Most High God.
There is much talk about abuse of children even by those who engage in child abuse. What exactly is abuse of children from a Biblical standpoint? The word of God tells us to train up a child in the way he should go and when he's old he will not depart from it. As a Christian nation how many children are been trained to worship the God of Heaven, read and understand the Bible and are trained in biblical principles.
Those who are worldly wise will say that such is not necessary today because we are living in a modern world. I now ask you a question and please think carefully before answering. We are experiencing a high level of criminal activities globally; wouldn’t you say that the chief contributing factor is a lack of godliness; a rejection of God’s principles for the building of a nation and a family?
We are closing down places of worship, building more prisons and trying to improve our judiciary systems. Isn’t this child abuse when a child who was allowed to do whatever he or she desires instead of being guided by knowledgeable adults who have a good understanding of their God given responsibilities is later penalized. I shudder to even think what will happen in the next ten years when these misguided children become adults. May God help us.
Children are immature and often are incapable of making life changing decisions. It is child neglect and abuse to allow a child to make life changing decisions without proper guidance.
Every parent is entrusted with the child that God has given and each must individually give an account of his/her stewardship. In an effort to make proper decisions parents should focus on Psalm 119 verses 11 and 105 which say, Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Thy word is a lamp unto me feet and a light unto my path. We ought to study the word of God. Only by doing so can we understand what is the will of God. Psalm 135 and verse 5 says, For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods.
I implore you not to abuse the great plan of salvation by not being a godly parent. It is unwise to be morally correct yet unrighteous. It is unwise to achieve much recognition in this world yet be told by Christ, depart from Me I know you not. Accept Christ through repentance, confession of sins and the Holy Spirit will convert you. You may want to do so but are daunted by the circumstances of your life but the name of Jesus is a Strong Tower the righteous run into it and they are saved. Jesus is coming soon. Today we have access to true and free salvation. Praise the Lord.
Writer- A. E. Fisher
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