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Updated: Jan 14


If you are to obtain everlasting life you must repent. Repentance is expressing a godly sorrow for all the sinful acts committed. When you repent, you will stop doing the wrong and do what is right in God’s sight.


It is sad that though the words of God often expose sin and may bring about a feeling of remorse; people often refuse to repent. This is one reason why there is so much spasmodic religious behaviour within the assemblies. As soon as the ‘feel good’ feeling leaves the mind then the departure from the house of God begins. It is only through repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus that one will stay in the faith. Unrepentant hearts is the reason for dismal and lacklustre worship.


To the unrepentant churchgoers it is very hard to serve God in spirit and truth. They think it a great trial to give up their ungodly companions and their sins. They do not enjoy a strong spiritual relationship; they are not cheerful and happy in the Master’s service. They are grieved because they have to break off from so many things which they love; they have to give up so much. Let it be known that true repentance leads to an abhorrence of those sinful things which were formerly loved.


God constantly calls for us to repent. Noah’s friends laboured on the ark but they were drowned because they did not accept the repentance message. They listened to Noah and helped him to build the ark but they did not believe that God was going to use a flood to cleanse the earth. They thought that Noah was not in his right mind. Moreover, they were enjoying their sinful lifestyle and had no intention to stop what they were doing.


Nineveh was a very prosperous city and the people practiced wickedness. They were idolaters who never worshipped the True and Living God although they would have heard about Him. When the people of Nineveh became sin sick, God sent Jonah to warn them. Jonah did not know that they would have been responsive to his message so he did not want to go but he had to because God’s decision is final. The people repented, urgently called on God and gave up their evil and violence ways (Jonah 3:5-10)


In Luke chapter 15 verses 11-24, we read about a parable which Jesus told about a wayward son and a loving father. The prodigal son left home to enjoy the life he thought that he deserved but he received sufferings instead. He became repentant after he felt the pangs of hunger and he became ashamed of his wretched state. He put aside his pride and decided that he was returning home. He was unsure of how his father and other family members would react to him returning home.


On reaching home, he told his father that he acknowledged that he had sinned against heaven and against God and was no longer worthy to be called a son. His father welcomed him joyfully. That’s how God will react when we repent of our sins and return to Him. Remember man was made to worship God and God loves when we sincerely worship Him.


Christ told Peter that he would deny Him three times. Peter never believed that he could do such. When Peter actually denied Christ, he wept bitterly. (Luke 22:61,62). He realized his mistake and repented. After his repentance Peter became a mighty man of God. He was an outstanding ambassador and won many souls to Christ.

Wouldn’t you want to be like Peter; all it takes is a repentant heart.


In Isaiah 55:7 we are encouraged to forsake our wicked way and evil thoughts and turn to the Lord.

Jeremiah 26:13 tells us to change our ways and our actions and obey the Lord. Do you realize that if you are not obeying God, you are serving the Devil? Many do not see the importance of repentance but please follow the instructions of Psalm 32:5 - acknowledge your sins to God; don't cover up your iniquity and confess your transgressions to the Lord. If you do these things you will find everlasting life.




True repentance means:

You confess your sins 1st. John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


You don’t conceal sins, but confess what you have committed and seek God’s mercy. You renounce your sins by doing what is right, and get a new heart and a new spirit. 

When you repent you turn away from all your offenses; rid yourself of all the offenses


True repentance gives you a change of heart; and motivates you to plead with God and turn back to Him with all your heart and soul.

After repentance the Devil will be after you, therefore you must trust God to lead you in times of temptation.


Repentance causes you to sow good seeds, your actions are good, just and right. Like Daniel you pray for the sins of the nation, and seek the favour of the LORD by living holy and giving attention to God's truth (Dan. 9:4,5)


When you have repented you stop doing wrong, learn to do right, seek justice, encourage the oppressed and defend the less fortunate.

Only through repentance can you hold on to faith and a good conscience (1st.  Timothy 1:19)


Your zeal to be righteous will lead you to pray for strength to rid yourself of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and filthy language from your lips. (Col. 3:5-10). You will make every effort to obey God and to walk the strait way.


A repentant heart is ashamed of past sins, think about God’s mercy, follow God's statutes and spend time meditating on God’s words. When all of this is done God will give a new heart and a new spirit.


Do you need to repent? Ask God to search you and know your heart; test you and know your thoughts; and remove any offensive way in you and lead you in the way everlasting (Psa. 139:23,24).


Don’t live according to the sinful nature, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Put to death every sinful behaviour and trust in the Lord for strength.


By God’s grace keep yourself from idolatry and from being polluted by the world, put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature; rid yourself of all anger, rage, malice, slander, lies, fornication, covetousness, and filthy language from your  lips. (Col. 3:5-10)


Rid yourself of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind; crave pure spiritual milk (1st. Peter 2:1,2)


Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from deceitful speech; turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it (1st. Peter 3:10,11)


Make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God (2nd. Peter 3:14)


Have godly sorrow and an earnest desire to clear yourself (2nd. Corinthians 7:10,11)


Have a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17)


Fear God and hate your sin (Psa. 36:1,2). Don't share in the sins of others; keep yourself pure (1st Timothy 5:22)


Avoid all sins listed in 1st. Corinthians 6: 9,10; Ephesians 5:3-7; Galatians 5:19-21 and Revelation 21:8


Make restitution for things you stole (Exodus 22:3-17; Luke 19:8-10)


Come near to God; wash your hands; purify your hearts; grieve, mourn and wail; change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom; humble yourself before God (James 4:8-10)


David said,' I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

My dear Readers, I trust that you will see the important of repenting of your sins. Our Lord’s Vineyard needs workers. There are numerous souls who need to learn about God’s boundless love. Won’t you accept the challenge. Accept Jesus as your Saviour today and have hope of everlasting life.


Let us Pray

Loving Father, I thank You for the opportunity to turn from my evil ways. Thanks for sending Your Beloved Son, to die for me. I am not worthy of such love but through Your grace I am redeemed.

There is much ungodliness happening in this world; yet You have not given up on us. I pray that everyone who hungers and thirst for You will find You and live in obedience to Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



 Writer - A. E. FISHER

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